H.C.S.C. Century Club
The H.C.S.C. Alumni Club established the Century Club to recognize the most senior members of the Club for their distinguished service and contribution to JCPenney and the principles of H.C.S.C. The criterion for inclusion in The Century Club for 2023 is a birth date on or before 1933 and are current on their dues. Going forward new members will be added annually based on becoming age 90 during the coming year. On behalf of the nearly eighteen hundred H.C.S.C. partners around the country, it is a true pleasure to congratulate and thank you for your many years of partnership. You, and your fellow Century Club members, paved the way for those who followed in the true spirit of H.C.S.C. which is a wonderful legacy.
Please let us know if you or any member you know who is eligible for this honor is not on this list. Please send any inquiries and date of birth to the National H.C.S.C. Club Secretary at natclubsecretary@gmail.com.
**Last updated 3/26/24